

Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Model: 553
Availability, : In Stock
Box: 10mg (50 tablets)
Substance: Methyl Drostanolone (Superdrol)



General information about Mastoral in USA

Mastoral (Oral Masteron) by Alpha-Pharma is an oral steroid, its active substance is methyldrostanolone.

Methyldrostanolone, also known as methasteron, is a powerful oral anabolic steroid that has never been sold as a prescription drug. In structure, this steroid is a close derivative of drostanolone (Masteron). The only difference in this case is the addition of a c-17 alpha methyl group, a modification that gives methyldrostanolone high oral bioavailability. However, the two agents remain very comparable. Both methyldrostanolone and drostanolone are non-aromatizable, so there is no difference in the estrogenicity of these two steroids, and both steroids retain favorable anabolic ratios to androgens.

Characteristics Mastoral in USA

An effective dosage in USA of Methyldrostanolone for physical or performance-enhancing purposes seems to start in the range of 10-20mg per day, taken for no longer than 6 or 8 weeks. At this level, it appears to provide a measurable muscle-building effect, which is usually accompanied by fat loss and increased definition. Don't expect to gain 30 pounds on this agent, but many walk away with over 10 pounds of solid muscle gain using this agent alone. In determining an optimal daily dosage, some find methyldrostanolone to be measurably more effective when venturing up to the 30 mg range. However, a potential use for hepatotoxicity should be considered.To prevent increased liver strain, 20 mg per day of methyldrostanolone is sometimes stacked with a non-toxic injectable steroid, such as testosterone for mass-building phases, or nandrolone or boldenone for muscle gain and definition. lean tissue rather than simply increasing the dosage. Methyldrostanolone also works well in cutting cycles, where its lack of estrogenicity is heavily favored.


In the athletic arena, an effective oral daily dosage would fall around 2.5 mg per day, taken in cycles lasting no more than 4-6 weeks to minimize the risk of virilization. The main point of contention with females is probably going to be the 10mg per capsule dosage, which is far too high to use. Application would require opening each capsule and splitting the powdered contents into 4 separate doses. As with all steroids, virilization is always possible.

Methyldrostanolone is not aromatized by the body and is not measurably estrogenic. An anti-estrogen is not necessary when using this steroid, as gynecomastia should not be a concern even among sensitive people. Since estrogen is the usual culprit with water retention, Methyldrostanolone instead produces a lean, quality appearance for the physique without fear of excess subcutaneous fluid retention. This makes it a favorable steroid to use during cutting cycles, when water and fat retention are major concerns.


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