

Manufacturer : Vermodje
Model: 914
Box: 50 mg (25 pills)
Substance: Mesterolone (Proviron)



Proviron-Ver tablets available for sale in USA

Proviron-ver from Vermodje is a Mesterolone-based drug. It is a steroid with moderate androgenic properties, which does not lead to the manifestation of anabolic effects. This drug can be used for medical purposes for patients with insufficient production of natural testosterone. This is why most athletes who take Proviron use it as a restorative drug when completing an anabolic steroid cycle to restore the body's natural testosterone production.

Effectiveness of the tablets of Proviron

The drug Proviron from Vermodje has no effect on the production of the male sex hormone, but to some extent is able to compensate for its deficiency, restoring the normalization of the functions of the reproductive system. In this way, the athlete manages to avoid problems with impotence, temporary infertility, decreased desire and other problems caused by the long-term consumption of drugs that contribute to a significant increase in muscle mass.

Mesterolone (Proviron) is also an estrogen antagonist. It helps the user to reduce the risk of contracting a number of side effects caused by high estrogen activity in the athlete's blood. Thus, it is useful to use it with steroid preparations that have strong aromatization. However, do not expect that taking this drug will allow you to maintain the weight gains made at the end of the cycle, nor to expect more mass from it.

How to Take Proviron Tablets

Proviron should be taken as directed and in compliance with all standards and regulations. It is a substance with a very high efficiency. To achieve the desired result, an experienced athlete only needs to take 50 mg per day, dividing this dose into two doses of 25 mg each. The reception must be done twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Proviron can be combined with other drugs. With Nolvadex as long as the dose of Proviron does not exceed 50 mg and the dose of Nolvadex does not exceed 20 mg per day. With this combination it is possible to almost completely suppress the aromatization of anabolic steroids and minimize possible side effects.


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