Tretizen 10


Manufacturer : Zenlabs
Model: 662
Availability, : In Stock
Box: 10mg (10 capsules)
Substance: Isotretinoin (Accutane)



General information about Tretizen 10 in USA

Tretizen 10 (isotretinoin) belongs to a class of medications called retinoids, which are synthetic derivatives of vitamin A. These medications are used to treat severe acne and other skin conditions. Topical isotretinoin has been shown to be effective as a combination treatment with other medications for lichen planus. Because isotretinoin is derived from vitamin A, users of this drug should be careful to avoid vitamin A supplements, as this can cause dangerous side effects.

Increased heart rate, headache, visual disturbances, malaise, nervousness, dry lips, dry skin, hair abnormalities, skin peeling, increased susceptibility to sunburn, itching, nausea, fatigue, suicidal ideation.

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, allergic to parabens, vitamin A, or other retinoids, have diabetes mellitus, increased triglycerides, or pancreatitis.

Side effects in USA

  • Do not use during pregnancy. Requires two negative pregnancy tests, Effective contraceptive used at least one month before starting therapy, during treatment and for at least one month after stopping treatment, and prescriptions can only be written for one month supply at a time.
  • Not to be used if you are a woman of childbearing potential unless complying with effective contraceptive methods, and patients must agree to use two forms of birth control.
  • Patients must be enrolled in manufacturer sponsored and FDA approved monitoring programs.
  • Depression, psychosis, aggressive or violent behavior, and rarely suicidal thoughts and actions have been reported during use.
  • Patients ordering Accutane should understand that they are only using it for severe cystic acne that has not responded to less toxic medications.
  • Avoid excessive exposure to wind, sun or cold. Retinoids can increase your skin's vulnerability to these conditions and can cause dryness and burning.
  • Using this medication may make it difficult to wear contact lenses due to the drying effect on the eyes.

This medicine in USA has a black box warning describing known teratogenic effects when taken during pregnancy. Additionally, it describes the restricted dispensing program which requires signed patient consent and counseling with negative pregnancy tests before treatment begins. Additional information is also provided on the risk of suicidal ideation. Read the full patient brochure and discuss these risks with your doctor.


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