

Manufacturer : British Dragon
Model: 802
Box: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)


General information about Durabol in USA

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is very fast acting and therefore allows the compound to be out of the body much faster. This makes this steroid a better choice than Deca for bodybuilders and tested athletes. Users usually follow an every other day dosing schedule when using this substance to keep blood levels high and stable.

Durabolin, as it is often called, is one of the most popular steroids used among bodybuilders today. Durabolin is a low androgenic steroid with a high anabolic effect. It will aromatize in high doses, but not testosterone levels. Progesterone buildup is a side effect that some have trouble with although users report that the problem is not as bad with this ester as it is with Deca. Users sensitive to these issues may choose to add Cabaser or Dostinex to their cycle.

Interactions with other medicinal products in USA

This steroid can be used for cutting or bulking. Bodybuilders often stack it with testosterone for one of the most common and effective bulking cycles. The durabolin/winstrol stack is also very popular. It is believed that Winstrol helps block progesterone buildup while Duraboline heips with the common issues that some suffer while on Winstrol. The joint relief and healing that durabolin provides is one of the main reasons it has become such a popular steroid with bodybuilders.Androgenic side effects are generally not an issue with Nandrolone Phenylpropionate as long as doses are kept within a reasonable range.

Bodybuilders using this substance by itself sometimes report a loss of libido, therefore it is recommended that one runs at least a small dose of testosterone or even a high androgen like Proviron to help prevent this problem.


Women bodybuilders in USA are also fond of this substance, where it's mild androgenic nature makes it a safe steroid for them to use without fear of masculizing side effects. Durabolin will shut down one's body's ability to do this is on natural testosterone, so a good PCT program is recommended after a cycle of this substance.

Male bodybuilders often use Durabolin at doses of 400-600mgs per week for 8-12 weeks, while women find a dosage range of 50-100mgs per week to be sufficient to see desired results.


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