General information about Masteron 100 in USA
Masteron 100 is an injectable steroid manufactured by Dragon Pharma, its active substance is Drostanolone Propionate.
Masteron 100 is perhaps one of the most exotic androgenic/anabolic steroids that can be used by an athlete. Originally it was developed and used as an anti-estrogen for the treatment of breast cancer. It has been widely used in combination with the SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) for the treatment of breast cancer, and has given a significant drop in estrogen levels in women undergoing such treatment. It is not widely used these days for these purposes, for various reasons, however for many athletes, including competitive bodybuilders in particular, Masteron 100 remains a rather underrated favorite of anabolic steroid drugs.
Features Masteron 100 in USA
The fact that Masteron 100 has been used as an anti-estrogen will suggest a lot about certain properties Masteron 100 possesses. Masteron 100 is a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and does not convert to estrogen through aromatization. It is thought that the anti-estrogenic properties of Masteron 100 may be partly to do with either inhibiting the aromatase enzyme in some way or interacting with estrogen itself in a way that blocks the binding of estrogen receptors.Either way, this would put Masteron 100 as a useful tool for the anabolic steroid user who uses compounds that convert to estrogen (which is what most anabolic steroid users do, given that testosterone is the main base of most cycles). By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, Masteron 100 would indeed block the conversion of free testosterone into estrogen through the aromatization pathway. This would not only slightly increase the amounts of active free testosterone in circulation, but it would also negate the side effects that result from high estrogen levels due to aromatization. These side effects include the development of gynecomastia and water retention/bloating. Conversely, if Masteron 100 does indeed block the binding of estrogen to the estrogen receptor (ER) in some way, although aromatization of testosterone may occur, its effects would be limited due to the inability of the estrogen to bind to the estrogen receptor. Thus, through this mechanism, the effects of excess estrogen production through aromatization would also be limited by the use of this steroid.
Although Masteron 100 contains such anti-estrogenic properties, it also (being a DHT derivative) has anabolic and androgenic properties. Although in theory and on paper it can be seen to be not a very strong androgen, in fact Masteron 100 gives higher androgenic effects than one would expect. The use of Masteron 100 will shut down natural testosterone production and so despite the anti-estrogenic effects again one should not think that Masteron 100 could be used as an option in post cycle therapy as it will inhibit recovery.
Side effects in USA
Due to Masteron 100's effects on estrogen-related side effects, Masteron 100 is a very useful tool (especially in competitive bodybuilding) when cutting. Anabolic steroids higher levels of estrogen cause water retention, Masteron 100 inhibits water retention, and many users claim that their muscles feel very full and tight on Masteron 100, with it the muscle pumps amazing in the gym.
Dose for men: 300-600mg/week, dose for women: 100-300mg/week.
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