Masteron 200


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Model: 715
Availability, : In Stock
Box: 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)
Substance: Drostanolone Enanthate (Masteron)


Masteron 200 injections available for sale in USA

Masteron 200 is another injectable steroid for sale in our store. It is produced by Dragon Pharma and contains the active substance Drostanolone Enanthate, which is characterized by a weak androgenic effect and a moderate anabolic effect. Athletes prefer to use this steroid during the preparation phases for sports competitions.

Effectiveness of Drostanolone Enanthate Injections

It is recommended to use this steroid by novice athletes and beginners. Properly calculated dosage and duration of administration allows you to achieve the following results from one cycle:

• Improved muscle quality

• Acceleration of fat cell division processes

• Improved fitness indicators

• Improved stamina

Given the slight diuretic effect of this steroid, many athletes use it in their cycles to improve the quality of their muscle mass. It is with its help that many people manage to achieve defined high-quality muscle mass.

How to perform Drostanolone Enanthate injections

As a general rule, it is recommended to use Masteron at the rate of 200-400 mg per week. Injections can be done once a week, but to maintain maximum concentration levels of the substance in the blood, they should be done twice a week. The cycle length is 6-8 weeks for men and 4-6 weeks for women.

Combined cycles of Masteron will allow you to get maximum results from its use, without compromising your health.Experienced athletes use this drug in conjunction with Trenbolone, Oxandrolone, Boldenone, Winstrol, etc.

After the end of the cycle, post cycle therapy (PCT) with the use of Clomid, is mandatory. The TPC will allow the acceleration of the recovery processes and will preserve the gains obtained from the cycle.


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