

Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Model: 554
Availability, : In Stock
Box: 10mg (50 tablets)
Ingredient: Oxandrolone (Anavar)



Oxanabol tablets available for sale in USA

Alpha Pharma created Oxanabol, an oral steroid, to help athletes increase speed, strength and endurance during a properly planned cycle. Combined with a proper diet, this drug can also help burn fat deposits in the athlete, making it ideal for cutting cycles.

Effectiveness of Anavar tablets

With an anabolic activity four times higher than that produced naturally by the body and a lower androgenic effect of 75%, Anavar is very popular among athletes. Its main effects are:

• Increased strength and speed

• Gains in lean muscle mass, with better definition

• Better fat burning

• Stimulates the production of growth hormones in the body

How to Take Anavar Pills

It is important to consult a sports physician to determine the dose that is best for your cycle. The maximum daily dose is 80mg, but it is advisable to start with a lower dose of 20mg per day and see what your tolerance to the product is. Some athletes in cardiovascular sports only take 10 mg per day depending on their body type and physical goals.

A cycle of this medicine should not last more than 8 weeks and daily doses should be divided into smaller doses throughout the day. For maximum impact, it is imperative to follow a strict diet and a training program adapted to the cycle. Anavar can be combined with Sustanon or Primobolan for optimal results and to help minimize the risk of side effects.


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