Turanabol 20


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Model: 719
Availability, : In Stock
Box: 20mg (100 tablets)
Substance: Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)



Turanabol tablets 20 available for sale in USA

Turanabol is rightly considered one of the most effective and high-quality drugs produced by the Dragon Pharma company. The active ingredient of the drug, 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, also known as Turinabol, improves physical fitness and stimulates metabolic processes in the body. An athlete who follows a suitable diet and respects the recommendations and dosage, can quickly gain up to 3 kg of pure muscle. Experienced athletes, but also beginners usually buy Turinabol.

Effectiveness of the tablets of turinabol

This drug has one of the best value for money, it is a product that belongs to the premium class in terms of efficiency. An athlete, who strictly adheres to the cycle, diets and dosages, can achieve the following results from a Turinabol cycle:

• Increased appetite,

• Stimulation and increase of quality muscle mass,

• Increased physical performance,

• Improved stamina,

• Encourages high intensity workouts.

How to take Turinabol tablets

Like any other steroid, Turinabol from Dragon Pharma should be taken strictly in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. It is not for nothing that athletes increasingly prefer this drug every day. Judging by numerous user reviews, this drug allows to achieve a high-quality increase in muscle mass and a noticeable improvement in physical condition. At the end of the cycle, it is imperative to perform a TPC (for this we recommend taking Clomid).

In general, the dosage can range from 30 mg to 40 mg per day. Some athletes exceptionally use doses of 60 mg. Experienced athletes can stack Turinabol in a cycle to enhance the effects of other steroids.


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